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Zovii ZD10 Solid Alarm Disc Lock review

Consumer Editor of Bennetts BikeSocial



Date reviewed: January 2025 | Tested by: John Milbank | RRP: £32.99 | Weight:539g |


The Zovii ZD10 on review here is a motorcycle disc lock with a built-in alarm. It’s reasonably tough, but certainly far from the best offered by the company, which is sold exclusively in the UK by Sportsbikeshop…

Pros & Cons

  • Loud alarm

  • Double-locking

  • Disappointing resistance to attack

Size and weight

Made of zinc alloy, the Zovii ZD10 weighs 539g and has a 9.87mm steel locking pin that secures on both sides of the body – a feature that gives it a higher level of protection against attack than it otherwise would.

Three keys are supplied, and pressing the lock barrel down makes the 120dB siren beep once for armed, or twice for disarmed. It’s loud enough to be painful in an enclosed space when vibration or movement triggers it, and can certainly attract attention outdoors. Or of course remind you that it’s fitted to the bike to avoid riding off and causing damage!

I left the ZD10 outside in rain and freezing temperatures for a month over Christmas and into the new year, also occasionally hosing it, and I’m pleased to report that the alarm module continues to work perfectly.

A CR2 battery is supplied, which is swapped using the hex key that comes with the lock. It’s a bit of a fiddle, but replacements cost as little as £1.59 from Battery Station.

Resistance to attack: lock picking

While some YouTube channels might make lock picking look easy, especially when selling the creator’s own tools, it’s not a method used in typical motorcycle thefts at all. Unfortunately there are far easier ways to break the ZD10, which also don’t require anything like the level of skill, patience or specialist equipment.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.

Resistance to attack: hammer

Thanks no doubt to the zinc alloy body, the Zovii ZD10 is disappointingly easy to defeat with basic tools. The double-locking mechanism that keeps the front and rear tied together does help, but using a specific prying technique saw one of the ‘arms’ at the side snap. This could have been repeated, but hitting the lock several times with a lump hammer also revealed that the locking pin can be forced free. The alarm stopped working after a few blows.

The ZD10’s far harder to defeat than some of Zovii’s 6mm locks, but there are far better options available.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.

Resistance to attack: angle-grinder

The Zovii ZD10 can of course be cut with an angle-grinder, but as with all disc-locks, the quicker attack method is to cut the brake disc itself, which some thieves will do.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.

Bennetts BikeSocial test results

Product: Zovii ZD10

Weight as tested: 539g

Hammer attack: FAIL

Angle grinder attack: AVERAGE

To see the other chains and locks tested by Bennetts BikeSocial, click here and be sure to regularly check for the discounts available through BikeSocial membership.

Zovii ZD10 review: Verdict

While stronger than its 6mm siblings, the Zovii ZD10 is hampered by a relatively weak zinc alloy body that yields a little too easily to make this lock a worthwhile investment.

Spend a little more and you can get something that’s far more effective, like the Zovii ZD10S reviewed here.

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