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Defaqto Rating and Bennetts Insurance

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  • Defaqto 5-star rated 2010 to 2025

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Defaqto rating

What does Defaqto rating mean?

The products we offer are built to the highest quality for our customers and our latest acknowledgement through independent research company, Defaqto, is testament to our commitment to providing first class motorcycle insurance.

Our motorcycle insurance provides one of the most comprehensive policies in the market, as indicated by its 5 star Defaqto rating. This rating takes all aspects of our products into account, such as terms and conditions, policy details and key features.

Defaqto star ratings are calculated using a scoring method called Data Numerical Analysis (DNA). Each product feature and benefit is scored from 1 to 5, with a score of 5 denoting that the product has the highest characteristics in the market for that feature or cost.

Defaqto is an independent financial research company that specialises in rating, comparing and analysing financial products.

Bennetts has achieved a 5-star Defaqto rating for a 16th consecutive year in 2025. You can see what star ratings have been given to the different motorbike insurers - including Bennetts - by taking a look at Defaqto's Motorbike Insurance page for more details.

Brian Brown, Head of Insight (Banking & General Insurance) at Defaqto, says “In an increasingly competitive financial services market, the choice can be overwhelming. Defaqto star ratings are an unbiased assessment of quality, helping people to instantly understand where a product sits in the market. While price is important, people also want a quality product from a brand they can trust. Bennetts motorbike insurance has been 5 star rated for 15 years, showing continuous quality and comprehensiveness. Defaqto star ratings are an independent, expert assessment that people value. They rate every product on the market, on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. A 1 star product covers the basics, whereas a 5 star product is one of the most comprehensive on the market.”

To find out more, please visit Defaqto

Defaqto: Star Ratings

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