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Land’s End to John O’Groats on a 125 via the UK’s highest mountains

By BikeSocial

Bennetts BikeSocial was launched in autumn 2012



Land�s End to John O�Groats on a 125 via the UK�s highest mountains

PHOTO: Mark Smith-Young of Spyder Motorcycles is setting off next month to do Land's End to John O' Groats and take in the UK's three highest peaks.

We’ve heard plenty of people riding from Land’s End to John O’Groats, and have even done it ourselves on a Honda C90. But, riding from Land’s End to John O’Groats on a Piaggio 125 scooter and then dropping in to hike to the top of the UK’s three highest mountains on foot as you’re passing is a new one on us.

That’s exactly what friend of Bike Social, and owner of one of the UK’s best motorcycle hire and event organising companies, Spyder Motorcycles, Mark Smith-Young is doing to raise money for charity next month.

He’s using a Piaggio Medley 125 scooter on mostly A-roads and motorways then dropping off at Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis.

He’s aiming to climb all three mountains and make the 1000-plus mile road trip in around 34 hours. It’s a non-stop event, give or take a 10 minutes of kip here and there.

Mark will be raising money for Riders for Health and Thorpe Hall, Peterborough, a Sue Ryder Hospice. He starts on Monday May 9 at 5am, and aims to be at Ben Nevis by 11am (ish) on Tuesday May 10. You can sponsor Mark through his Virgin Giving page.

Mark from Spyder Club on a slightly faster bike built by Piaggio!

No stranger to big motorcycle  trips he runs with his company Spyder Motorcycles, Mark said: “I’m training in a gym as I was told not to run a few years ago, however I’m pretty fit I think and seeing a physio to get rid of the niggles at the moment.  The route is roughly 1,000 miles, not sure how I feel about that.  However, I’m hoping to do it in one hit (with 10 minutes power sleeps every now and then), that’s the hardest bit, being tired on the road, but it wouldn’t be a challenge if it was easy!  I’ve driven 1,500 miles before in one go, it wasn’t pleasant but it’s doable!"

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